Interested in playing bowls

New Bowlers

Welcome to our website!

Lawn bowls is a low-impact, therapeutic exercise that can improve fitness, coordination and confidence

Bowlers with no experience of playing lawn bowls are welcome at our Club. The Club is open to bowlers of all ages and regardless of sex, ethnicity, disability or any other protected characteristic and whether you wish to play the sport socially or competitively.

Every year we have an Open Day at the end of April where you can come to try your hand at bowling. All the equipment that you would need will be provided. The only rule is that you came with a pair of flat soled shoes.

Many of our existing Club members have started this way.

If you missed this day and you would like to try it out, it is not too late, just fill in a request to do so on our Contact us page.

If your Society (or your firm) would like a morning or afternoon out to try out the game of bowls, then contact the Club Secretary  to see what might be arranged.

Experienced, but new to the Club

We also welcome applications to join from bowlers who have had experience at other bowls clubs. You will need to have two sponsors from existing Club members. If you do not know any members, then come along on our Open Day, or contact the Club Secretary.

You can join and play social bowls and/or in the highly competitive National, County and League competitions.

Social bowls

The Club has an active core of members who prefer not to enter competitions and enjoy the more relaxed environment of the "roll-up".

Bowling with a disability

The Club is open to bowlers with physical, sensory, or learning disabilities.

Bowls is welcoming to bowlers with all types of disability and more information can be obtained from the Disability Bowls England website.

If your balance is not as good as it used to be, or you have an artificial knee or other problem then a specially designed stick for use on bowling greens might help a lot. See this video.


The Club has several experienced coaches, led by Head Coach Tony Petts, who give up their time to set new bowlers on their way with confidence. Coaching is a continuing activity throughout the early part of summer. More experienced bowlers can ask coaches for help on aspects of their game.

The more experienced bowler will learn how important tactics can be when playing competitive bowls.

Want to join?

If you would like to join us and to play on one of the finest greens in Kent, then complete an application form and if you have any queries contact our Club Secretary

Good bowls practice

The videos below are aimed principally at new bowlers, but also useful for other members to up their game. There are several videos, some covering the same subjects, but you can learn from each of them. If you look at the top players of this game, you will see very many different styles. There is no single right way of playing the sport of bowls.

It is important that new (and experienced) bowlers are aware of the rules and etiquette of the sport.

Holding the bowl and bias

All about placing the mat and how far the jack must go.

Finding the correct line

A series of 12 short videos from South Africa covering all the basics of lawn bowls

After your training you should aspire to be able to bowl shots like this.